What is acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese healing method, in which very fine (sterile) needles are inserted superficially into your skin at so-called acupuncture points. Acupuncture stimulates your body so that it naturally recovers from imbalances, disorders and diseases. So with acupuncture, your body is going to function better, by the way, even if you have no symptoms.
In China, Japan and Korea, acupuncture has been used for centuries. Worldwide and also in the Netherlands, more and more people are discovering its healing properties. Yet many people still see acupuncture as something floaty or unreal. It isn’t. Traditional Chinese medicine, including acupuncture, is based on a holistic view of human beings. In it, body and mind are one. A condition or complaint is seen as a disruption of overall well-being and energy balance. Acupuncture brings back the natural balance.
Acupuncture complements regular Western medicine extremely well. Therefore, more and more practitioners and clients consider acupuncture as complementary medicine, rather than alternative medicine.
What does acupuncture do?
In my practice, I work according to the method of classical acupuncture. This method assumes that energy pathways run through your body in regular patterns. Those energy pathways are called “meridians. When a meridian – for whatever reason – is blocked, the consequence is similar to that of a dam in a river: the energy does not flow further and therefore parts of your body are not adequately fed with energy. This causes complaints of various kinds.
By placing very fine needles in certain acupuncture points, we remove the blockages. This restores the natural flow of energy, allowing your body to repair (itself) naturally.
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