About Acupuncture Benissa
Acupuntura Benissa is a professional practice, where personal attention is paramount. As an acupuncturist, my added value lies in the combination of a Western-trained medical background and the application of Eastern acupuncture, and in this I have been able to build my knowledge and experience over the past 10 years. As a down-to-earth North Holland native, I have both feet on the ground and am results-oriented in my approach with the power of acupuncture.
Most common complaints
Do you suffer (chronically) from headaches, migraines, back, neck, joint or menstrual pain? And do you want to get rid of those complaints? With a combination of acupuncture and dry needling, I can effectively address the causes and effects of your pain symptoms.
Do you experience symptoms during menopause such as hot flashes, mood swings, night sweats, sleep problems, weight gain or other symptoms? With acupuncture, the transition does not have to be an unpleasant phase at all.
Muscle complaints
Have you been suffering from muscle problems or a (sports) injury for a while? With a combination of acupuncture and dry needling, I can address the causes and effects of your injury very effectively.
A week ago I woke up with a severe pain in my neck (trapezius strain). I had immediately scheduled the first treatment with Ineke, and immediately noticed a big difference! The tension in my neck eased considerably. To aid recovery, I returned a week later for a 2nd treatment.
Ineke was very friendly to me, knew very well what she was talking about and was able to find just the right spots during the treatment. In addition, I was given helpful tips that have contributed to my recovery.
Huge thanks!!!
Our son suffered terribly from hay fever last year, with Ineke's help he then got through the season just fine. Ineke advised us to start the treatments this year before the hay fever season and that has worked out very well. He has not suffered from all the symptoms that come with hay fever this year, so we think Ineke has done a TOP job.
Ineke responds quickly and provides good service. My complaints around a painful ankle were professionally and targeted, with the result that I noticed full recovery after only a few treatments. I am super satisfied and can recommend everyone to make an appointment here!
This is how acupuncture works
Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese healing method, in which very fine (sterile) needles are inserted superficially into your skin at so-called acupuncture points.
Acupuncture stimulates your body so that it can recover from imbalance, disorders and diseases in a completely natural way. So with acupuncture or dry needling, your body is going to function better, by the way, even if you have no symptoms.
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